Christian Reformed Church, Regional Synod of Canada, Reformed Church in America
About: The Christian Reformed Church is a binational church body (Canada and the United States). It was established in Canada in 1905. It is a community that expresses “the good news of God’s kingdom that transforms lives and communities worldwide.” It identifies a five-fold calling: faith formation; global mission; gospel proclamation and worship; mercy and justice; and servant leadership.
Environmental Activities:
- A study group including some Canadians at Calvin College’s Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship in Grand Rapids, MI, produced Earthkeeping, Christian Stewardship and Natural Resources (1980) and Earthkeeping in the Nineties: Stewardship of Creation in 1991.
- In 2008, a creation care webpage was added to the Office of Social Justice’s website.
- In 2008, an updated version of the “Our World Belongs to God: A Contemporary Testimony” confession of faith featured expanded sections lamenting abuse of creation and committing to honouring God’s creatures. The confession was first adopted in 1986.
- Creation Stewardship Task Force formed in 2010 to study and present a Reformed perspective on creation stewardship. In 2012, the Creation Stewardship Task Force Report was presented and Synod responded by accepting the report and passing a Statement on Climate Change.
- Climate Witness Project: response to the 2012 climate change statement
- Hired staff to facilitate congregation education, action, and engagement through four pillars: education, worship, advocacy, and energy stewardship
- Showed film “Climate Conversations in Kenya” as an education component
- Encouraged congregations to engage with members of parliament on climate change and wrote op-eds
- Sent a delegation to the United Nations climate change conference in Paris in 2015 and asked congregations to prepare for and receive information from delegates
- Encouraged congregations to engage in energy stewardship activities in their buildings
- The Christian Reformed Church has signed several interfaith statements, including:
- “The Canadian Interfaith Call for Leadership and Action on Climate Change” (2011)
- “On Promoting Climate Justice and Ending Poverty in Canada Faith Communities in Canada Speak Out” (2015)
- Congregational level initiatives include Meadowlands Fellowship in Hamilton which has geothermal heating and cooling and solar panels.
The Office of Social Justice oversees the Climate Witness Project which has five staff members and ten part-time organizers.
- World Renew:
- Citizens for Public Justice:
- Greening Sacred Spaces:
- Canadian Council of Churches:
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Christian Reformed Church, Regional Synod of Canada, Reformed Church in America