
Faith Based Environmental Initiatives in Canada

Joanne Moyer: The King's University 

Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada

About: The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada was established in the 1880s. Their fundamental vision is to develop disciples who are Spirit-empowered, Christ-centred, and Mission-focused.


Environmental Activities:

  • The Christian and Missionary Alliance are currently engaged in exploration and re-examination of their theology regarding creation.
  • “Awakening the Giant: Nature’s Cry for Reconciliation” by Joanne Beach, published in the Alliance Connection magazine, Spring/Summer 2017.
  • National conference workshops: “Creation! Why Care” (2016); “Creation Care as Mission” (2018).
  • Co-sponsored a creation care conference in February 2017, “Grounded: Faith, Mission, and Caring for Creation.”
  • In conference planning, have worked to reduce travel and paper, and make refreshments and meals more sustainable.
  • Some current congregational work includes:
    • Summerland, BC: working on a co-op of four acres of land for affordable housing and farming. 
    • Development of community gardens.
    • Phasing out Styrofoam cups for coffee hour.
    • Congregational engagement is mostly due to connections with A Rocha.



The Director of Alliance Justice and Compassion is leading the theological exploration of creation care.





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Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada