
Faith Based Environmental Initiatives in Canada

Joanne Moyer: The King's University 

Hindu Federation of Canada

About: The Hindu Federation of Canada was founded in 1999 to represent the growing Hindu population in Canada and cooperate with all levels of government and other agencies and organizations in Canada. The Hindu Federation of Canada celebrates the culture, arts, religion, and heritage of all Hindu communities.


Environmental Activities:

  • The President of the Hindu Federation signed several interfaith climate change statements:
    • “The Canadian Interfaith Call for Leadership and Action on Climate Change” (2011)
    • “The United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties 22 Interfaith Statement” (2016)
  • They advocate for regulation to allow ashes to be disposed of in moving water. Promoting cremation is a way to address land issues.
  • At the congregational level, some temples are using fewer disposables, composting food waste, and investing in dishwashers, and some temples in the Greater Toronto Area have made major efforts to green their spaces and reduce energy use.
  • Participation in the current environmental movement is largely at the temple level, not the national level.





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Hindu Federation of Canada